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Widget Board

1.64.64 - July 25, 2024


  • Support for our new API and CDN URL's that run under our own domain


  • An issue where during a clean installation, multiple attempts are done to store draft configuration items even though the storage list isn't provisioned yet


  • Automatically fetching urgent messages now stops after 5 failed attempts
  • Made some improvements to recover from a connection loss to central PnP JS object
  • Added more user role information to widget context, to be used by widget logic

1.64.63 - July 12, 2024


  • An issue with the new widget administrators functionality that caused an error for end users

1.64.62 - July 11, 2024


  • 'Widget administrators' field for a widget variant, to allow other users/groups to edit its admin configuration
  • 'Open in admin center' button to the widget command bar ,for administrators
  • Rich text support for widget instructions
  • Open/close button for filter panel in the admin widget library


  • Rebranded admin settings menu to 'Admin center'
  • Widget variant titles and subtitles now have a maximum length of 40 and 60, respectively
  • Improved UI for the admin widget library
  • Improved UI for the vertical board navigation panel
  • Improved board template editor for administrators


  • An issue where the 'Show' button in the vertical board navigation panel would be positioned incorrectly
  • An issue when trying to parse an incorrect etag value
  • An issue where an installation file would always be fetched, even though the application was already installed
  • An issue where the SuiteNavPlaceholder element of SharePoint sites was still visible when embedding them in a dialog

1.64.61 - June 26, 2024


  • New properties provided to the WidgetContext (sp, spHttpClient, spHttpClientConfiguration), used to communicate with the SharePoint REST api


  • Improved ColorPicker UI
  • Improved bundle size

1.64.60 - June 12, 2024


  • Layout editor for Shared Boards
  • Missing tooltips for disabled board/widget actions
  • Ability to render widget command bar buttons in the more/overflow menu
  • Additional properties for widget command bar buttons
  • Disabled
  • Highlighted
  • Cursor


  • Widget command bar will now automatically move overflowed items to the More menu
  • Improved styling for Shared Boards preview and publish bars
  • Improved styling for tooltips across entire software
  • Improved styling for Add and More buttons in the main command bar

1.64.59 - May 28, 2024


  • An issue where trying to restore an Ichicraft Boards backup that doesn't contain urgent messages or shared boards, resulted in an error
  • Some translations
  • Various issues in Ichicraft Boards Lite
  • Dismissed pushed widgets not resetting when resetting your Home board
  • Widget titles sometimes not being tracked in analytics
  • Security validation errors when SharePoint token expires after 30 minutes
  • An issue where a unique Teams package ID wasn't always generated after installing Ichicraft Boards

1.64.58 - May 22, 2024


  • Support for deep linking, to be used by widgets
  • Additional debug information for widget developers when debugging a widget locally


  • Tweaked UI of urgent messages


  • Full height not working anymore in Teams personal app
  • An issue where the urgent messages link in the navigation didn't show consistently
  • An issue where shared boards weren't always pushed correctly

1.64.57 - May 08, 2024


  • Quick edit button for urgent messages (if the user has the correct permissions)


  • A redirect issue when clicking on a link in the urgent message short description
  • Image picker components not having the correct height

1.64.56 - May 08, 2024


  • Short description field for urgent messages


  • Improved urgent message UI
  • Increased width threshold where vertical navigation is hidden


  • An issue where urgent messages did not appear when timezone UTC+00:00 was selected
  • An issue where embedded Excel files were not rendered correctly
  • An issue when importing a backup with the shared boards feature disabled

1.64.53 - May 01, 2024


  • An issue where the installation would fail when the 'Everyone except external users' group is missing

1.64.52 - April 26, 2024


  • Improvements of the iframe dialog used by certain widgets to open URLs
  • Added 'back' and 'forward' buttons for SharePoint sites
  • Added 'open in new window' button
  • Added ability to override dialog header icon and title


  • Some visual issues in the widget header link buttons (e.g. show all)
  • An issue where a missing publication date caused the urgent messages becoming unmanageable


  • Redundant functionality to import and export board configuration files

1.64.49 - April 24, 2024


  • Minor update in generated SharePoint package file

1.64.48 - April 17, 2024


  • Removed logs to the developer console

1.64.47 - April 11, 2024


  • An issue where navigating from a page with Ichicraft Boards to another (web part) page caused the scrollbar to disappear
  • An issue where navigating from one installation of Ichicraft Boards to another installation in the same tenant sometimes caused the wrong information to appear

1.64.46 - April 04, 2024


  • An issue where the product didn't always render correctly in full-height

1.64.44 - March 27, 2024


  • Widgets can now render a textual link in the widget header (command bar)


  • An issue where the publication date of urgent messages wasn't correctly exported in the back-up process

1.64.43 - March 20, 2024


  • An issue where changes to large configurations couldn't be stored as draft
  • An issue where urgent messages couldn't be published at a predefined time

1.64.42 - March 18, 2024


  • Multiple administrators can now update Ichicraft Boards configuration simultaneously
  • Draft configuration changes are now maintained/remembered between browser sessions/reloads
  • Administrators can now select which sections of their draft configuration they want to save/discard
  • Missing documentation was added for a CSS override class used by the App Launcher Widget


  • Improved Widget Library UX in admin panel
  • Improved responsiveness of admin panel


  • An issue where pushed widgets weren't pushed correctly to users who created their personal board in an older version of Ichicraft Boards
  • An issue where a required API permission scope like 'User.ReadWrite' was listed as 'not granted', even though the permission scope 'User.ReadWrite.All' (which is an extension of User.ReadWrite) was granted
  • An issue where a widget that was resizable, movable and pushed to the top-right corner of a board, could not be resized in the horizontal direction

1.64.41 - February 20, 2024


  • A bug where uploading a custom widget in some scenarios results in a fatal error
  • Some incorrect translations


  • Made improvements to storing user configuration

1.64.40 - February 08, 2024


  • The ability to change the default language of an installation of Ichicraft Boards


  • Improved many translations across different languages


  • An issue where declared analytics preferences in custom widget manifests were discarded upon uploading the manifest file
  • An issue where the wrong language was used in the application and some widgets failed rendering in scenarios where the user uses a language not available as an Ichicraft Boards system language (like Polish)
  • An issue where the wrong keys where used when storing settings in local storage cache

1.64.39 - February 01, 2024


  • An issue where the current board resets when switching tabs in the file picker

1.64.38 - January 24, 2024


  • A bug where urgent messages couldn't be managed if Shared Boards feature wasn't activated

1.64.37 - January 24, 2024


  • An alternative way to move boards to a different group using a new Move option in their contextual menu


  • Urgent messages can now be targeted to multiple shared boards
  • Urgent messages now display the publication date

1.64.35 - January 16, 2024


  • Option to add navigation groups to organize your boards


  • Element border radius is now applied to most context menus in the core product
  • Hamburger menu is now also used on mobile when using the horizontal navigation layout setting
  • 'Change title' option for boards is now called 'Rename', to be consistent with renaming widgets
  • Titles for personal boards are now edited within a dialog instead of in-line
  • Improved design for various dialogs (Add/edit personal board, delete board, reset board)
  • Improved UI for horizontal navigation layout


  • Option to move boards left and right when using the horizontal navigation layout setting (this can now be done through the 'Edit navigation' option


  • Board templates overflowing when there are 6 or more to choose from.
  • Vertical navigation menu closing when dismissing nested dialogs
  • Board navigation hover animation triggering on initial load

1.64.34 - January 11, 2024


  • A bug where no board was displayed when using a non-existing board ID in the url
  • A bug where the main personal board of a user gets a new ID upon each visit

1.64.33 - January 09, 2024


  • An issue where it was possible to select a blank board on the primary personal board on first run

1.64.32 - December 22, 2023


  • An issue where duplicate log messages were sent
  • An issue where, after resetting ones profile, a board wouldn't appear until a browser refresh was done

1.64.30 - December 19, 2023


  • An issue where diagnostic logging sent duplicate messages

1.64.29 - December 19, 2023


  • The ability to share links to shared boards with colleagues


  • The Teams package generator to include more options and allow versioning


  • Various issues to smoothen the installation process

1.64.28 - December 11, 2023


  • A whole new installation experience, where default configurations can be picked to allow for a more complete first experience of Ichicraft Boards
  • A new CSS class icb-Board-RootInner for overrides on one of the core elements of Boards


  • Removed the manual "Full height" setting and replaced this with smart detection of optimal rendering


  • Several issues with the new Backup and Restore advanced features

1.64.26 - November 22, 2023


  • New functionality to fully backup (or restore) an installation of Ichicraft Boards


  • An issue where the wrong fields were rendered in the Teams admin section
  • An issue where the navigation showed a footer section under the wrong circumstances
  • An issue where an error occurred if the manifest of a widget could not be loaded
  • An issue where an error occurred if no translations were available in the manifest of a widget


  • Widgets can now have an icon as default thumbnail

1.64.25 - November 09, 2023


  • An issue where in some cases the icon for resetting something wasn't visible
  • An issue where selecting a board template in some screen resolutions caused automatic deselecting, leaving a user unable to pick a template

1.64.24 - October 25, 2023


  • an issue where the People Picker didn't always store data correctly

1.64.23 - October 24, 2023


  • Several CSS classes to the navigation elements to override the show/hide toggle

1.64.22 - October 11, 2023


  • Widget variants can now have an icon representation instead of just a thumbnail


  • Improved widget details panel


  • A bug where custom theme colors didn't work correctly
  • A bug where in the Teams client, the navigation bar wasn't scrollable when there are lots of menu items

1.64.20 - October 05, 2023


  • An issue where creating urgent messages fails in certain scenarios

1.64.19 - October 02, 2023


  • Some smaller issues with the recently released urgent messages feature (wrong icon, missing sorting in drop-down list, unfiltered list of messages during onboarding, etc)
  • A German translation that wasn't correct

1.64.18 - September 11, 2023

Minor system update

1.64.17 - September 07, 2023


  • A new feature that allows designated users to publish urgent messages to specific boards or to the entire organisation

1.64.16 - August 22, 2023


  • An issue with a newer version of the installation package failing to load the Boards web part correctly

1.64.15 - August 18, 2023


  • A new feature that allows users to update their profile right from their boards
  • A warning message when admins leave the page without saving board configuration updates
  • Searching for widgets is now possible on a widget's subtitle
  • Automatically filling the Ichicraft Product Key during subsequent installations within a single tenant


  • An issue where the catalog of installable widgets wasn't sorted alphabetically
  • An issue where the buttons in the widget configuration panel were rendered on top of content
  • An issue where a hex color in CSS wasn't applied correctly in Teams
  • An issue where board configuration cache invalidation didn't work correctly in certain scenarios

1.64.14 - August 11, 2023


  • Option to quickly access a widget's admin configuration from a widget on a board using the widget's context menu
  • Browser check to warn a user that changes in board configuration might get lost when board updates aren't saved yet


  • Minor updates to styling of widget's context menu
  • Changed positioning of Configuration and Trial message bars


  • An issue where the web part wouldn't render correctly when the (SP) page is in edit mode

1.64.13 - July 17, 2023


  • An issue where the navigation panel sometimes closed automatically in Teams

1.64.12 - July 14, 2023


  • The option to collapse the left navigation
  • Some extra CSS override classes in the welcome message


  • Audience targeted widgets are no longer visible to visitors of a shared board who are not in the audience of that widget


  • An issue where in some specific scenario, a non-owner of a shared board was able to update that board

1.64.11 - June 26, 2023


  • An issue where in some scenarios the onboarding of new users was impossible due to a disabled "Let's get started" button

1.64.10 - June 22, 2023


  • An issue where failing to retrieve account creation date/time results in infinite loading board

1.64.9 - June 20, 2023


  • Navigation policies (New Feature!) to specify the boards (personal + shared) that should be in a user's navigation (only available if and when Shared Boards feature is active)

Fixed & Changed

  • Many small fixes and improvements done with regards to UI (initial loading, switching back and forth between Ichicraft Boards and other SharePoint pages, the way that widgets appear and are

1.64.7 - May 24, 2023


  • An issue where the people picker didn't work correctly all the time
  • An issue where the newly generated sppkg package included too many assets
  • An issue where the newly generated sppkg package introduced an issue with conflicting React versions

1.64.6 - May 17, 2023


  • (non-functional) Upgraded underlying SPFx version to 1.17.2


  • Support for different language codes included that come from Teams
  • Some updates under the hood to support other shapes of etags

1.64.4 - April 14, 2023


  • an issue where the file picker sometimes falls behind another dialog

1.64.3 - April 12, 2023


  • An issue where API permissions could no longer be requested from admin panel
  • An issue with loading (very) old configurations

1.64.2 - April 06, 2023


  • An issue with missing resource files

1.64.1 - April 06, 2023


  • The option to onboard new users without showing a welcome message if no interaction is required
  • Functionality to the File Picker control so it can be used by widgets properly
  • The option for a user to completely reset a his/her profile (by using SHIFT key when board settings menu is open)


  • An issue where no primary personal board was provisioned when the Personal Boards

1.64.0 - March 17, 2023


  • The ability to show multiple custom command bar buttons per widget

1.63.0 - February 15, 2023


  • The ability to log additional user data as part of the Analytics feature
  • More events related to recently added features to the Analytics feature

1.62.0 - January 27, 2023


  • An issue where in some cases a pushed widget could not be resized when configuration dictates it should be able to do so
  • An issue where in some cases a move lock appeared even though a pushed widget was allowed to be moved

1.61.0 - January 18, 2023


  • An issue where the file picker navigation failes sometimes


  • An issue where some configurations didn't load correctly after previous release
  • An issue where the file picker didn't work correctly after previous release

1.59.0 - January 17, 2023


  • You can now configure a custom theme to be used by Ichicraft Boards (includes dark mode!)

1.58.0 - December 20, 2022


  • Url to Ichicraft announcements updated to domain

1.57.0 - December 19, 2022


  • Ichicraft Boards announcements are now visible from within the product


  • A small visual issue where some icons weren't visible in dark mode

1.56.0 - December 15, 2022


  • Under-the-hood update where info about board type and user role is provided to widgets

1.55.0 - November 25, 2022


  • Removed last jsdelivr CDN pointers
  • Removed redundant log messages

1.54.0 - November 23, 2022


  • Board templates can now also be defined for shared boards
  • Specify if widgets (variants) are available for either personal boards, shared boards, or both

1.53.0 - November 09, 2022


  • Option to push a Shared Board to (groups of) users

1.52.0 - November 01, 2022


  • It's now possible for a user to change the order of boards in the left navigation

1.51.0 - November 01, 2022


  • An issue where renaming or deleting a widget on a shared board caused an error in some cases

1.50.0 - October 31, 2022


  • Introducing the first version of Ichicraft Board's newest feature: Shared Boards!

1.49.0 - September 26, 2022


  • An issue where pushed widgets were re-pushed after a user suffered from a connection error


  • An issue where the (advanced) export / import feature fails in certain circumstances

1.47.0 - September 20, 2022


  • An issue where the wrong current language was passed to a widget if that language wasn't configured as a content language
  • An issue where the confirmation dialog didn't close after deleting a content language
  • An issue where the API Permissions tab showed all variants of a widget type where only one would suffice to give the proper permissions

1.46.0 - September 20, 2022


  • Big under-the-hood update to prepare for separate licenses for product features including the upcoming feature "Shared Boards"

1.45.0 - September 08, 2022


  • An issue where the background color of the header bleeds out when the web part is placed in a non full-width section

1.44.0 - September 05, 2022


  • [#234] Some extra options to open urls in a dialog (used by widgets)

1.43.0 - August 26, 2022


  • An error where the new category management feature causes an issue in some cases

1.42.0 - August 26, 2022


  • An issue where the widget library throws an error

1.41.0 - August 25, 2022


  • [#220] Improved ways to organize widgets using category sets and hierarchies
  • [#219-1] When adding a widget it's now visible which widgets are already on your board
  • [#219-2] Adding multiple widgets is now easier for the end user
  • [#219-3] Browsing the widget library is easier for users with new filter options

1.40.0 - August 25, 2022


  • An issue where selecting an image in the file picker (from within settings panel) didn't work correctly when using the checkbox to select a file


  • Prepared the internal file picker component so it can be used by widgets too. There's now a function openFilePicker as part of the WidgetContext that can be used from within widgets.

1.39.0 - August 09, 2022


  • [#232] An issue where fetching a user's security groups could result in a fatal error in case local storage quota was exceeded

1.38.0 - July 19, 2022


  • [#192] An issue where in rare cases the first name of a user could not be retrieved correctly and a weird message [object Object] is displayed instead

1.37.0 - July 18, 2022


  • [#221] Ability to add subtitles to widgets, allowing for more distinguishable widget headers

1.36.0 - July 06, 2022


  • [#214] An issue where sometimes category filters were visible that had no selectable widgets in them
  • An issue where widget's production script was always loaded before a widget's script running in debug mode

1.35.0 - June 28, 2022


  • Time-based analytics feature allowing events to be raised and sent to third party analytics tools like Google Analytics, Segment, CrazyEgg and many more using the Analytics library


  • A bug where icon buttons don't work consistently in Teams and Viva Connections

1.34.0 - June 15, 2022


  • An issue where 4-column layouts in SharePoint were no longer enforced correctly
  • An issue where icon buttons in some occasions didn't load in Teams

1.33.0 - May 27, 2022


  • An issue where the WidgetBoard_Assets library was no longer visible in the Admin panel
  • An issue where the title of a widget could grow out of the bounds of the header
  • An issue where users from China were no longer able to use widget due to a CDN being blocked
  • Other minor improvements

1.32.0 - May 12, 2022


  • An alternative way to store board configuration to support large configurations (> 1MB) (experimental feature for now)

1.31.0 - May 03, 2022


  • The way the widget board loads when configuration cache is available, speeding up initial load time considerably
  • Added caching to profile picture, preventing a fresh fetch on each page load

1.30.0 - May 02, 2022


  • An experimental feature to import and export board configuration to your local file system.

1.29.0 - April 27, 2022


  • A bug where widgets rerendered when moved around the grid
  • A bug where resizing or dragging a widget with an iframe as content, sometimes caused the widget to lock in a strange place

1.28.0 - April 24, 2022


  • A whole new design experience to Ichicraft Boards! Check the Design tab in the Board Adminsitration Panel for all the new options.

1.27.0 - March 24, 2022


  • A temporary work-around to help users with an issue that occurs in older Viva Connections apps in Teams

1.26.0 - March 10, 2022


  • The long awaited feature that allows a user to edit the title of a widget

1.25.0 - March 09, 2022


  • A handy search box in the Add widget panel
  • A handy search box in the Widgets maintenance panel

1.24.0 - February 14, 2022


  • Replaced permission requirement User.ReadWrite.All with less privileged User.ReadWrite

1.23.0 - February 14, 2022


  • Support for only making a widget variant available for new employees (to support onboarding scenarios)
  • Some new properties and functions to the widget context object (for custom development)


  • A bug where content languages weren't displayed in board config panel but a spinner was shown instead
  • A bug where sometimes a custom tooltip re-appeared unintentionally in the widg

1.22.0 - January 11, 2022


  • A UI issue where the Save/Cancel buttons were hidden below the scroll in a large admin config panel
  • A minor issue where detecting a user's language in Teams didn't work with 'en-GB'

1.21.0 - November 11, 2021


  • Minor change in product name in sppkg package

1.20.0 - November 10, 2021


  • Full support for  dark  themes in MS Teams and SharePoint
  • Name of editing board template to modal header
  • Various new properties to WidgetContext for use in widgets


  • A bug where pressing <esc> or clicking the "clear" icon in a search box resulted in an error

1.19.0 - October 20, 2021


  • Small (~10%) optimization in bundle size
  • Upgrade to FluentUI version 8


  • a bug where initial installation fails if a user doesn't pick a single widget to install
  • a faulty message to indicate that no board templates have been created yet

1.18.0 - October 15, 2021


  • An issue where a pushed widget that was later removed from board configuration could break a user's board
  • An issue where in some cases exceptions didn't show friendly error messages

1.17.0 - October 07, 2021


  • This version of the widget board supports V2 widget manifests. V2 introduces 'externals', allowing async loading and sharing of modules/libraries among widgets. Make sure you upgrade your widgets using this wiki page to benefit from these optimizations.

1.16.0 - September 15, 2021


  • New options in the so called 'pushed widget' feature: it's now possible to define if a pushed widget is deletable, movable or resizable by the user.
  • An optional toggle in 'board template' feature to disable strict audience mismatch warnings

1.15.0 - August 26, 2021


  • A bug where the main user board layout gets messed up when an extra board is edited

1.14.0 - July 28, 2021


  • All new Board Template editing experience


  • Minor update to Portuguese resources

1.13.0 - April 13, 2021


  • Hopefully solved an issue where in rare cases the pageContext property of the web part context is undefined

1.12.0 - April 09, 2021


  • Various improvements to initialization of widget board (lower timeout, auto refresh once on error, etc.)
  • New visualization of fatal error, introducing retry button and admin panel button


  • A bug where the indicator of missing API permissions was no longer visible in admin panel

1.11.0 - March 25, 2021


  • Option to use a 6 column layout in SharePoint on high resolution screens


  • Improved initialization of widget board with optional retries for service calls that sometimes fail
  • Improved handling of user resetting his/her board by clearing all cache items


  • A bug where sometimes the widget board stays empty when user's groups failed loading
  • A bug where a notification could grow beyond the board header's max width

1.10.0 - March 05, 2021


  • Fixed an issue with z-indexes being too high for widget elements, causing stacking issues with new App Bar in SharePoint

1.9.0 - March 05, 2021


  • Hotfixed an issue that could occur in browsers that don't support customElements

1.8.0 - February 24, 2021


  • Added additional static class names to allow CSS overrides of the board navigation (part of board header)
  • Added teamsSdk and userEmail to WidgetContext which are now available for widgets


  • Moved "Reset widget board" from main command bar to new 'Danger zone' in admin panel
  • Renamed "About" to "Registration"
  • Applied higher z-index (CSS) to 'top' widgets to allow expansion over 'bottom' widgets
  • Updated breakpoints in widget grid to prevent widgets from becoming too small (in width)


  • Fixed minor issue with caching of debugging widget manifest

1.7.0 - February 03, 2021


  • Posibility to target (variants of) widgets to specific audiences


  • Updates to Portuguese translations after review

1.0.0 - January 29, 2020

Initial release 🚀